Receive Monthly Prayer Updates

Monthly Prayer Updates
weekly June through August

While giving instructions for a short-term project “…He [Jesus] was saying to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.'” – Luke 10:2

Pray for workers to help reach the harvest. Hundreds are needed for 12 day sessions in summer months. Many are needed for one to two months of the summer to help lead the session participants. Similar teams are needed throughout the non-summer months in both Spain and France.

Pray for fruit from the distribution. Many have come to Christ through the materials alone. Many more have had their hearts readied by the Holy Spirit using the materials.

Pray for fruit from the evangelism, that ‘he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together’.

Pray for fruit from the follow-up.

Pray that all interested contacts would have someone near where they live to meet with them and help them along in coming to know Christ, and, when they have received Christ, to get to know Him more.

Pray for many of those who come to Christ through Operation Transit activity to also go on to bear fruit themselves. Pray for teams from 2 or 3 North African countries to participate in 2019 Operation Transit activities.

Pray that every North African will personally know someone who knows Jesus.
